Spiritual Guidance

Customer Testimonials:
"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to communicate with my late father. I've been feeling guilty for a long time and I've wanted to talk with him for two years, so I'm so grateful he came forward today".
"You're skillful, it was so incredible and I've been totally filled with emotions and information. I got to hear everything I wanted and needed".
"I'm blown away how good you are in making the connection with the other side".
"I love your guidance. You have such a wonderful gift".
"Your gift is amazing Sirpa! It's incredible. I resonate with everything you said".
"During the last years, no one has been able to help me as much as you. I finally received all the answers I needed from my late brother and father".
Do you have questions you want to ask your spirit guides that you have on the other side of the veil or do you need spiritual tips and tools?
I have been psychic since I was a child and I am grateful to be able to share my gift with my clients. I offer spiritual guidance via phone, Skype or in connection with a treatment.
I act as a link between the client and the spirit world. Client's spirit guides and loved ones on the other side want to convey something that is important for you to know right now.
The message may be that you should let go of your grief, be reminded that your loved ones that have crossed over to the other side are still around you or that the house needs to be renovated! I choose not to see diseases or what is not positive for you to know this time in your life. More than that, I don't control which messages comes thru me.
During a session, you have the opportunity to ask questions that you want to receive guidance on.
What Can I Expect?
You can choose to have session via phone or as Skype video call. If you book a Reiki or massage treatment at the clinic, spiritual guidance session can be held direct after.
I start working already before our meeting. I clean both my own and your energies and start communicating with your guides.
It's a good idea to think in beforehand what you wish to get guidance withing. Write down questions so you don't miss anything. It is also good to write down what is said during the session, write short notes that you can fill in afterward.
Time is no perception of time on the other side! Therefore, it can be difficult to foresee time for specific events. What is going to happen in your life happens when you're ready for it.
You can never take away the free will from another, which means that you are the creator of your life. Your guides want to help you to see what stands in your way and what you can do to live in line with your highest good but in the end it is always you who chooses which path you will take.
30min/ 600kr (60eur)
50-60min/ 950kr (95eur)